IBS Budapest

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ERASMUS is a student, teacher, placement and staff mobility programme of the European Union, with a focus on encouraging students to study abroad during their years of higher education. IBS students have the opportunity to study in other European higher education institutions through this programme. 

We are proud to have 62 partners in 21 European countries, which are all excellent higher education institutions and are offering a great study abroad experience for you from Spain, through Turkey up to the polar areas of Finland.

Students may apply to IBS as an Erasmus student by first contacting the Erasmus coordinator in charge at their home university.

Check out our partner universities.

ERASMUS Partners

STUDY ABROAD – The Erasmus Exchange Programme

The Erasmus Programme is a wonderful - and maybe the only - opportunity in your life to spend one semester abroad – and to learn and understand a new and different culture. Being an exchange student can also improve your language skills and cultural awareness.

"Erasmus gives you an insight into yourself as you're taken out of your social sphere and placed in a completely foreign one. You are not only surrounded by a new culture, but more importantly, a new perspective on your national identity"

George Fisher-Wilson, Erasmus student

The study abroad option, as well as the generous grant, is available to any IBS student in the final year of the Bachelor's studies.

Personal benefits of taking part in Erasmus:

  • independence, maturity and confidence,
  • exposure to different cultures,
  • international experience (looks good in your CV :)),
  • improvement of your foreign language skills,
  • educational experience in another university,
  • travel and sightseeing in another city & country,
  • fun, new friends, international contacts and much more!

For more details see the following pages:

Tempus Public Foundation
IBS' Erasmus Charter
European Commission of Education & Training
Erasmus Policy Statement
IBS Erasmus+ Manual

Etelka Dombora

Senior Partner, Erasmus Co-ordinator, Centre for Student Services

Send e-mail to Etelka Dombora
+36 1 588 8623