IBS Budapest

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We are proud to work in cooperation with The University of Buckingham. Together we offer a wide range of Bachelor’s, Master’s, and doctoral programmes, all leading to prestigious British degrees.

The University of Buckingham has been awarded Gold in the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) rankings in the UK. The University has been consistently at or near the top of UK rankings for student satisfaction for over 10 years. In addition to the above, The University of Buckingham has achieved:


The university opened in 1976 by a group of Oxford academics, Buckingham is the first independent university in the United Kingdom and has used its independence to pioneer a distinctive approach to higher education.

What does a degree from IBS and The University of Buckingham guarantee?

  • worldwide recognition and global acceptance
  • high-quality British education; the structure, depth and quality of the courses are equivalent to those taught in Britain
  • practice-based teaching with professors who have professional careers in their respective fields
  • a motivating learning environment with qualified academic staff and support services
  • transparency and fairness of the assessment process reviewed periodically by the United Kingdom's Quality Assurance Agency and well qualified subject specialists
  • highly valued door-opener degree to the best positions the world over
  • opportunity to reach a high level in business English with the help of native English-speaking teachers

Browse our English-language programmes