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"Online teaching is a challenge both for students and teachers. Nevertheless, the IBS staff does its best to provide us with quality education and accessible information through user-friendly online services."
Lypey Alexandra, BSc student

"IBS is a unique international island in a country very much caught up with the obsession of the “local.” The students come from all over the world with unique world-views that I find extremely interesting to work with. The university encourages closer contact and more effective work based on seminars and small groups, therefore enables more efficient learning."
Délia Vékony, Lecturer at the Department of Arts Management

"Teachers are amazing at IBS, the support from them was helpful, they are very much involved with our day-to-day tasks."
Zulfiqar Zaidi, Pakistan

“I'm happy to study at IBS because I'm apart of an international environment every day, with fantastic students and teachers.”
Hanna Kovácsevics, Hungary

"I like IBS because of its diversity, seriousness in the approach to education and its organization."
Aleksandr Kovalev, Russia

"Budapest is an amazing destination for students, not only because it's a cheap city but also you are in the center of Europe."
Vittorio Misleh, Italy

"IBS has provided me with a multi cultural background which helped me to understand more business aspects."
Rushil Neomal Dylan Rodrigo, Sri Lanka

"To lead seminar discussions and motivate diverse and interesting students has been a breath of fresh air in my career."
Fraser Hodges, professor

"Budapest has been a big surprise for me, now it's my home and allows me to study a master's degree at IBS."
Maria del Carmen Blanco Morales, Mexico

"So far IBS, the classes, my classmates, everything just has been fun."
Rahul Tuladhar, Nepal

"I like IBS, due to its variety of culture and the inspiring atmosphere of its campus."
Mohamed Moatsim Tarig, Sudan

"I love IBS for its exceptional beauty. Beauty of the multiculturalism. "
Aidana Dogdurbaeva, Kyrgyzthan

"I like that the teachers are welcoming and they have or had their own business in real life which is really inspiring and adds more characters to them."
Soichiro Kichibiki, Japan

"At IBS the lecturer doesn't just talk about a topic and gives a lecture, classes are very interactive, which means that you really need to participate."
Nico Birk, Germany

"I like IBS because it gives students an opportunity to pursue their studies based on work merit and helps them to achieve their goals career-wise”.
Zamina Andlip Mohamed Nazir, Kenya

“ IBS gives you the chance to get a British degree while studying in Budapest. It has a good environment for studying and I like the location of the campus as it is surrounded by big companies”
Mohammad Shafiul Hossain, Bangladesh

“I chose IBS for its good reputation, the internationally recognized British degree and a study abroad possibility with Erasmus."
Jovana Medenica, Montenegro

"It's a practical programme. We have a lot of assignments and we have to do a lot of research, but we get a lot of support from everybody. Great staff, great professors."
Pedro Delgado Cara D'Anjo, Portugal, MSc student

"Budapest is extremely enjoyable city with youthful and vibrant atmosphere."
Sunkyung Kook, South Korea, BSc Student

"At IBS Budapest you can have it all. A vibrant mix of cultures between the students, the exceptional opportunity of studying abroad and fun in the city at any time."
Camila Zavala, Ecuador, BSc students

"My classmates are really friendly and it helps me a lot during the classes."
Atri Anggira, Indonesia, MSc student

"At IBS I got the opportunity to connect arts and management, which is unique in Hungary. It is a huge plus that I can study in my favorite city."
Frida Selmeczi, Hungary, Bsc student

“The skills which I have developed at IBS from the past semester are communication skills, approaching towards project management, data handling and I have also got more exposures to the newly developed software’s in the industries.”
Tapish Sachin Solanki, India, MBA student

"I liked that IBS trained us for life. You need to be creative, solve problems, you are able to carry out a project from A to Z."
Zsófia Faur, IBS Alumni, Gallery owner

"Budapest is a beautiful city by day and night. There is always something to do, so students are never bored in this city."
Kelly Jansen, The Netherlands, BSc Student

Kimia Mirzaabolghasem, Iran, BSc student

„My language skills improved because we had to speak English with each other. I love Budapest a lot. It is very interesting.”
Dziyana Charamisava, Belarus, Summer School student

"IBS gave me the chance to make new friends from all around the world, friends who in a short amount of time have become family."
Sherin Moussa, Egypt, BSc student

"I really love the way IBS gives me the chance to get a British degree in one of the most beautiful cities of Europe. I am also grateful that I have found lots of friends from different parts of the world."
Dana Saparova, Kazakhstan, BSc student

“For me the most important is the inspiration what I receive from my fellow colleagues, teachers and professors at IBS.”
Zoltán Kerék, Hunagry, MBA student

"The best part of Budapest is the rich history you see all around you."
Jonathan Meijerink, The Netherlands, BSc Student

“Since I am working in the IT industry it is very helpful for me to learn the crucial parts in the project management. I am very happy to learn all these areas of interest.”
Basavaraj Kundaragi, India, MBA student

“I wanted to do a leap in my career, I thought getting a better understanding of the theories behind business will be a good addition to my portfolio. This programme, especially its focus on the data driven management is the one I wanted to go with!”
Ali Murat Can Cercioglu, Turkey, MBA student

"IBS perfectly drives the practice into our classes by great professors who always motivate us, thus we can acquire real and valuable knowledge. IBS is a guidance to a successful career."
Samu Faragó, Hungary, BSc student

"Entering Budapest was like receiving a loving hug from the Hungarian people."
Eric Van Der Putten, The Netherlands, BSc Student

"IBS professors have real business background. They have the real experience, that’s the most important."
Seyedmojtaba Zareie, Iran, BSc and MSc student

“The professors at IBS are extremely talented, they are all professionals working in respectable positions in their respective fields, I am glad not just to study, but to work with them!”
Mujeeb Murtaza, Pakistan, MBA student

"We have really creative classes. We usually work in groups which is really nice because we can interact with each other and we share our ideas. IBS teaches us how to be a good team worker."
Diana Sweidan, Jordan, MSc student

"The three words that come to my mind about IBS are: first of all international, second of all social and the third one is interactive."
Marthe Blom, Norway, BSc student

"I read about IBS on the internet and I decided to participate in the Summer School programme because I thought it would be great to improve my English, make friends and learn more about Budapest. I did make a lot of friends and I am planning to keep in touch and invite them to my country."
Nazila Aliyeva, Azerbaijan, Summer School student

"The process of enrolment to IBS was one of the easiest and most flexible procedure I have been through. IBS provided me with everything I needed for the embassy."
Radwa Al-Maghrabi, Egypt, BSc student

"The British degree is acknowledged all around the world, the British system is a well-established good system. It is considered in all regions such as North America or India, etc., so it is really nice to have one."
Imam Hafiz S Abdal Danish, India, MSc student

"I loved the way the subjects were taught. We were encouraged to be critical, we had to argue in favour or against each other, and these were lively discussions. It was actually surprising for me how close we could get to certain teachers. Conversations are very easy to initiate. You are not afraid to go up to a professor and ask about something. They are interested in your opinion."
Lilla Ivanics, Hungary

"For me IBS is not just a school. It is a family where every member is a top priority.With IBS I am less worried about what the future holds."
Omagie Mimi Eshilama, Nigeria, BSc student

"I like accounts, but I prefer accounting mainly because of the subject. I enjoy my business analysis class as well. I am very much interested in these areas and I like the way how they are taught. It is much easier for me to grasp them here. Coming from India we did not really know what to expect, and it was really a nice experience."
Pavalankar Akshay, India, MSc student

"Budapest is amazing! I met great people from all over the world and could experience an international atmosphere at IBS. I will never forget my time in Budapest: best five months of my life! I already miss the city, the people, the nightlife!"
Jennifer Lukas, Germany, Erasmus student

“We not only talk about multiculturalism but we experience it.”
Fruzsina Selmeczi, MSc student, Hungary

"I am really happy I met my classmates. They are from different countries, so I know a little bit about each culture."
Uldana Mussabekova, Kazakhstan, MSc student

"To study in the heart of Europe, to get a British degree and to meet so much international students is a unique opportunity, I love it."
Joakim Birkeland, Norway, BSc student

“I have always wanted to study in Europe and IBS proved to be an excellent choice. Great community of students, helpful staff and professors who practise what they ’preach’. I always get the help I need. In the beginning I had to get used to winters and a lot of new traditions, but that is what brings me forward: experiencing new things and stretching my limits. Isn’t that the real learning process?”
Agu Kenneth Obinna, Nigeria

"My brother studied at IBS and he met his wife here. I love this city, the teachers were great and the lessons were really interesting. The programme helps you to improve your English, it helps you to be yourself."
Margarita Lyuts, Kazakhstan, Summer School student

"The multicultural environment at IBS is really nice. Taking to people from different countries, sharing our views and experiences with them is so helpful. We have an interactive group and people are there to support you."
Oluwabusayo Emman Adeniyi, Nigeria, MSc student

“Everyone in my class is from different countries, so I get to experience a lot of different cultures. I also love the transportation system in Budapest, it is very cheap and you can always get from one place to another really easily.”
Zainab Imtiaz, Pakistan, MSc student

'Zsolt Petrányi, head of the Arts Management Program, my final project supervisor helped me tremendously during the process, for which I am very thankful for.'
Saskia Suominen, Arts Management student

"IBS really helped me because it has improved my English, my knowledge of sales and finance, and showed me how to work with different cultures.
Edward Tamminga, Netherlands, Erasmus student

"You can find people from all over the world in IBS. The lecturers are really really friendly, you really feel comfortable to ask questions and you can really cooperate with them."
Marian Halal, Syria, BSc student

“Everyone on IBS is friendly and open minded, and that is some of the reasons why studying here is interesting and fun – instead of something that you are forced into doing. The professors have a special bond with students, and they are always there to help and easy to approach.”
Waleed Khan, Pakistan, BSc student

"I like IBS because it is a school that has a lot of different nationalities, which I think is important later in the business life. I think Budapest is a beautiful city, which provides a good environment for students and the fact that it is affordable for the foreigners makes it more attractive and encourages more activity. "
Charlotte Stene, Norway, BSc student

"Studying at IBS was a really good opportunity to improve my English skills, to get acquainted with some British culture and make some friends."
Alexandra Eremina, Russia, Summer School student

“At IBS I have definitely become a lot more worldly and I understand a lot of other people’s cultures and backgrounds. The very good aspect of studying in Budapest is the multiculturalism.”
Harley Craig, Australia, MSc student

"I chose to study at IBS because it combines a British degree with studying in one of Europe’s most beautiful cities. I love IBS because the quality of teachers is at a high standard."
Mukenge Rubasha, Norway, BSc student

"I like Budapest and I like to go jogging. At the beginning in September, the weather was really nice, so I explored the city by jogging around and enjoyed seeing the Parliament and the castle at the Buda side."
Henning Thomas Fisher, Germany, MSc student

"The experience I have gained here is very practical. IBS has prepared me well with a lot of activities and very interactive classes. We always communicate openly with the lecturers and I have been able to use these skills in my work."
Tomas Varri, Australia, BSc in Management with Finance
"Budapest is one of the most beautifully situated cities in Europe. Nobody can ever forget the wonderful sight of the two sister towns divided by the wide and swiftly flowing Danube, with the steamers and barges on her waters. The temperate climate is changing, there are 4 seasons in year. The fairly cheap living costs made Budapest a good choice for me. With a lot of historical monuments Budapest become a place for resting and relaxation."

"I got a lot of excellent feedback about studying in IBS and now I see that all of them were true. The programme of the MSc is really interesting, covering my professional needs and interests. It is a great opportunity to study in the middle of Europe among multinational students."
Anna Fadeeva, Russia, MSc student in IBS Vienna

"I have been very content with all my professors because they are really kind, you can go to them after class, talk to them if you have any questions and I just love how we are not learning from books but rather learning from their own experiences."
Eszter Mehesz, USA, MSc student

"To study in the heart of Europe, to get a British degree and to meet so many international students is a unique opportunity, I love it."
Joakim Birkeland, Norway, BSc student

"The degree I receive from the University of Buckingham will open additional opportunities for my professional career."

"I have not yet met a teacher at IBS who would have said to a student “I have no time for you because I have 300 other students.” This is a university where you establish much closer connections than in any other place I know ."
Sándor Faragó, Hungary

"The task was tough but interesting. It also emphasized the importance of teamwork and proved how utilizing each person's skills can result in a project of more diverse yet fully incorporated ideas."
László Sándor, USA

"To be Erasmus abroad it's a great rewarding experience and it's a chance to meet new peoples with different open minded and culture, IBS give this chance at erasmus student and everybody who wants discover and study in Budapest."
Killian Panchaud, France, BSc Student

“The education system at IBS is more intellectual and enjoyable than what I am used to. Also the tuition fee and living costs in Budapest is much cheaper than other places in Europe.”
Fahad Abdul Rehman, Pakistan, MSc student

"I chose IBS because of the price of the program compared to others and the flexible timetable that allows you to work at the same time."
Irina Berezina, Lithuania, MSc student in IBS Vienna

"IBS is a very international school, very open-minded. We have small classes where we can learn a lot. It is really important that we get feedback on your assignements after 2 weeks and it has never been the case in Germany."
Lisa Schlichtner, Germany, MSc student

"During my summer off, I worked in several hotels, in several companies in tourism, so it was a cool experience to take what I experienced and compare it to what I learned in IBS. IBS gives you an international community, you make friends for life, you get to know other cultures, other languages so it is a really incredible experience. IBS is a great school and Hungary is a nice country!"
Tin Strelet, Croatia, BSc in Management with Tourism

"IBS professors are really attentive, they have a good level of English, they have a lot to share and a lot of knowledge."
Pedro Lima, Brazil, MSc student

"IBS is a truly international experience for me, its like 3-year long Erasmus exchange programme. I am getting a lot of practical information, everything related to different kind of arts, music, film, art history and of course business. Business is important here."
Polina Slepac, Moldova, BSc Art Management

"IBS helps me to be more open-minded, responsible for myself and tolerant."
Viktoriya Lyssenkova, Kazakhstan, BSc student

"I had fears about the language, because I have heard that the Hungarian is very difficult and many people don't speak English and it is not true, because mostly everybody is speaking either Russian or English, or some German, so people shouldn't be afraid of this."
Tamara Jakobia, Georgia, Msc student

"At IBS we not only learn what we have to learn, for example political science, but we also learn how to apply it in our jobs."
Junior Carmino Nardacchione, Brazil, BSc student

"Budapest is so much more than I expected! My favourite spot must be standing at the castle looking over the Pest side, when the sun goes down, and all the lights in the city turns up. Everyone are so nice, and the ESN team has been so good at welcoming us since the beginning. I’m so lucky to spend my Erasmus in Budapest!"
Gry Kjær Jacobsen, Denmark, BSc Student

"I find the mix of nationalities among the students very interesting. I enjoy the presentations and I know it's very important for my future. I love to go out in Budapest, there are a lot of nationalities, tourists, great clubs and bars. You can find a bar in each corner."
Mats Brendesaeter , Norway, Bsc student

"I have been to many universities before and so far IBS is the best university I have been to. Students are very nice and you meet friends from the first day. You will never feel lonely and teachers are always there for you to help."
Farah Elmaghraby, Egypt, BSc student

"IBS gives brilliant and prestigious education in the field of finance. The school is one of the leaders among private higher education institutions of Hungary and it provides the students with competitive advantages in making successful career. Studying at this university is a valuable experience for me and I am proud to be a student of IBS!"
Sheyda Suleymanova, Azerbaijan, BSc student

"In addition to the short duration of the program, the comparably low fees, and the fact that it is in a city I love, I very much like the small student size. It gives me a feeling of elitism, like I was specifically chosen to represent my country in the program."
Rhoden Nathaniel, USA, MSc student in IBS Vienna

"I loved the way we studied: sharing our thinking about real business issues in small groups, developing our self-confidence by doing presentations, getting support from dedicated professors and inevitably becoming friends with people from many different countries.”
Jovana Medenica, Montenegro

"I really like the academic environment and the international atmosphere at IBS. There are many students from different countries so I can learn about other cultures."
Zhang Xueming, China, BSc student

"IBS gives you the feeling of being part of an intercultural community. What I like best at IBS is the flexible learning methods, the multicultural society and the enjoyable study environment."
Hassan Mohammed Bahago, Nigeria

Iohannes Bry, Switzerland, BSc Student

"I also think that I have changed because I've met many different cultures and gained a lot of experience at IBS."
Alexander Kandelaki, Georgia, BSc student

"What I do like at IBS the most is the very international environment and opportunity to meet people from very different backgrounds, experiences and mindsets, which are constantly discussed and shared in between."
Vesna Mudresa, Serbia, MSc student in Vienna

"In Norway we celebrate Christmas on 24 December. We spend the day with our family and open Christmas packs in the evening. The tradition is to eat something called 'pinnekjott', which is one of the must-have traditional Norwegian Christmas dishes. It is made from ribs of lamb or mutton that has been salted and dried, and so it has a very strong flavour."
Joakim Birkeland, Norway

"The subjects at IBS are not unnecessary, you are going to use what you learn all the time in the future which makes me more interested in learning. The teachers are great and most of them have a lot of experience so you can basically ask anything related to their subject."
Alexander Kundrath, Sweden, BSc student

"The diverse setting of IBS is something to look forward to everyday. Making friends from places I've dreamed of visiting and other countries I have never thought of before coming here is all part of the experience as student in IBS."
Reed Phillips, Erasmus student

"In my family we open our presents on Christmas day and have a large traditional meal with the whole family and share our blessings and gifts. We also watch Christmas movies and play games with the family. Christmas has always been my favorite holiday."
Sarah Viena Wold, USA

"I think I became more open-minded thanks to the fact that there are a lot of different people and that IBS offers a multicultural environment. You naturally become more open-minded to languages and new cultures."
Katarin Kogan, Israel, BSc student

'I really enjoyed the Summer School mostly because of the interesting trips and people. My favourite programme was the trip to Visegrád, a small castle town close to Budapest.The teachers and students were great and very friendly. I'm still very good friends with two girls from the Summer School.'
Varvara Marseeva, Russia

"I had no problem with the visa process, everything went smoothly because IBS was a great help for me."
Fontem Fongang Mbah, Cameroon, MSc student

"At IBS I learn about real business life and about how to live in an international environment. I enjoy being taught by real professionals. Definitely, the best choice I've ever had."
William García, Ecuador

"Erasmus gives you an insight into yourself as you're taken out of your social sphere and placed in a completely foreign one. You are not only surrounded by a new culture, but more importantly, a new perspective on your national identity"
George Fisher-Wilson, Erasmus student

"I decided to choose IBS because of several reasons: British diploma, one year study, living in one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, which is definitely true."
Zulfina Bashirova, Kazakhstan, MSc Student, Marketing Management

"IBS is a very good opportunity to develop myself and to gain skills and experience I need for my career."
Anna Sárkány, MSc student, Hungary

"I was working as a controller in the financial field and I was missing a challenge. I wanted to do more than just Excel datasheets. Learning to code gave me the possibility to create great things with a few lines of code. I find programming a very fulfilling vocation."
Lilla Virag, former coding student at Green Fox Academy

"IBS professors have great connections with international companies, like IBM, Coca Cola, Microsoft. I got the chance to have an interview with Microsoft and I got a job offer from them."
Didem Soykök, Turkey, MSc student

“At the end of my secondary school I had no idea what I wanted to become. With the common first year at IBS I gained some time to think and check out the wide variety of Bachelor’s programmes. Studying at IBS requires constant preparation but it pays off; knowledge is ingrained gradually and exams do not require such an enormous effort.”
Laura Li, Hungary, BSc student

“The opportunity that IBS’s management programme provided for me is really rewarding. The academic knowledge that I have acquired demonstrates that my choice to study in this renowned institution was defi nitely an excellent one. Come and participate in this incredible journey!”
Tamires Montenegro de Melo, Brazil

"In IBS, studies are not only based on theory, so I really like it. I learned how to study, how to study by myself and I learned a lot of other useful skills that can be beneficial for my future."
Anastacia Kochetkova, Kazakhstan, BSc in Financial Management student

"I think the practical approach of the school prepared me to do the tasks on a day-to-day basis. Furthermore the international environment helped me to adapt to the new work place abroad more easily."
Orsolya Csiszár, Hungary

"The biggest unique tradition of my island is called Nine Mornings. This festival is a pre-dawn street concerts, fetes, fun competitions, traditional music and steel pan each of the nine days before Christmas in various towns and villages. Also Christmas time signifies "spring cleaning ". This is the time when a lot of people get rid of the old and in with the new, like painting or buying new appliances. The Christmas preparations itself is a common tradition amongst many. For me, it's helping my granny cut fabric to make curtains and bedding, going to butcher shops in villages and buying freshly butchered meat, smelling fruits soaked in blacked wine from since the last Christmas and occasionally eating them when no one is watching are some of the traditions I enjoy. But the best feeling is waking up to the sweet aroma of boiled ham on a coal pot and freshly homemade baked bread, which is a typical way of waking up Christmas morning. The day is then spent with family and friends who drop by for greeting and eating. "
La Sheika Campbell, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

"Master’s programmes of IBS are highly enjoyable due to the interactive seminars and simulation games in small groups, the continuous assistance of professors and staff and the practical approach that focuses on the development of our critical thinking. During these intensive 12 months I have made a huge step to become an efficient manager."
Aigerim Imangazieva, Kazakhstan, MSc student

"The professors and the staff are very helpful and they assist us in putting everything in perspective."
Zeki Tukuk, Turkey, MSc student

"I like Budapest and I like to go jogging. At the beginning in September, the weather was really nice, so I explored the city by jogging around and enjoyed seeing the Parliament and the castle at the Buda side."
Henning Thomas Fisher, Germany, MSc student

"I love how classes are taught in small groups, offering a chance for students to contribute. Assignments are interesting and challenging. The diverse student body makes it a lot of fun to attend IBS, getting to know people from all over the world is truly an extraordinary experience."
Anna Tóth, Hungary, MSc student at IBS Vienna

“I am very interested in foreign affairs and different countries; I love anything that has an international feel. I heard that at IBS the programmes are in English and The University of Buckingham is amazing, so it was the perfect option for me to come here. ”
Sarah Viena Wold, USA, Diplomacy student

"Budapest is a great city with great people, average costs of living, comparing to western countries. There are a lot of places to go with friends and have fun. There are very beautiful sights to see like the Buda Castle, Gellert Hill or Fisherman’s Bastion. "
Sergiu, Moldova, Bachelor student

"I gained self-confidence with the presentations we needed to do; before I just did not think that I could do such serious work. In Angola this diploma has a great value, it is highly appreciated if somebody studied abroad and received a foreign, British diploma. This will be a great advantage for me."
Rodrigues Andreia Staline de Carvalho, Angola

"IBS is not only a school for business. It is a home, a mini-society and a place where you can grow up."
Christopher Bjerre Krenchel, Denmark, BSc student

"I learned a lot more about how to prepare for a photo shoot and IBS helped me in strengthening my photography skills."
Joachim A. Bergströmis, Sweeden

"Being here at IBS is not just about books and classes every day, but it is also about getting you ready for work. IBS is preparing you for the life after school, so it is a great journey."
La Sheika Campbell, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, BSc student

"I didn't think Budapest would be so beautiful and cultural with so many nice buildings and museums. And it is so clean, I've never seen such a clean city. And the public transportation is in one word incredible! There are also many activities, the bars are great and there are a lot of international students."

"The useful courses, opportunities, the students, the environment that IBS provides are really one of a kind. It’s more than a University, it’s a community; it’s a big group of friends from many different countries. Being a member of this community and the many steps of success I have taken all in IBS, makes me feel the sentence Proud to be IBS."
Kianoosh Khanjani, Iran, BSc student

"IBS is a really good choice. The price and the value that you have here is pretty good if you compare it with other countries and universities. 70% of the students come from abroad and this makes IBS really rich with cultures."
Miguel Manta, Peru, MSc student

"IBS Budapest is a good location for students: the school has a multicultural environment and the city has a vibrant culture, stunning architecture and amazing people."
Swastik Sarawagi, India, BSc student

"The subjects that we study and the school's atmosphere play a very important role in integrating knowledge into the practice."
Altangerel Undrakh, Mongolia, IBS Intern at FAO

"Summer School feels like a holiday with loads of communication in English. I made plenty of new friends, saw some beautiful sight of Budapest and Lake Balaton and had a great time during these four weeks. Classes are fun, teachers are professional and mistakes in English are welcome."
Bogachan Bakirezen, Turkey

"What I like at IBS is that we examine a lot of case studies, so we learn from real life."
Shreekumar Lakshika Dinali, Sri Lanka, BSc student

"I decided to become an entrepreneur myself when I was doing my placement and later I understood that self employment suits me the best."
Henrik Thorsnes, Norway, BSc student

"IBS puts a high emphasis on practice-based teaching which is a great plus."
Péter Juhász, Hungary, BSc student

“I was always interested in arts, and I also wanted to learn management. At IBS I have the opportunity to learn both. Moreover, IBS offers us a great international atmosphere with friendly students, teachers and staff.”
Rita Komporday, Hungary, BSc student

'The teachers were very professional and qualified and they always brought something new to our knowledge. I was actually very surprised how one month could affect my English language skills.'
Valentin Antonov

"I spend my winter holiday in my home country. Christmas is not held in Azerbaijan, but we celebrate New Year. My New Year celebration is always in family circle. At the beginning of January we go on a skiing trip abroad with family and friends. It has been our tradition for the past 5 years."
Ayan Mirzayeva, Azerbaijan

"I always warn my students of the dangers of having a Euro-centric view of the world. Europe is but a small peninsula. We must look at the global world with the eyes of others, too."
László Várkonyi, Professor at the Department of International Studies, Former Ambassador

"IBS puts a high emphasis on practice-based teaching which is a great plus."
Péter Juhász, Hungary, BSc student

"The IBS Erasmus program is perfectly organized. I really like to study there. I never feel lost. If I need I help, I know that there are people I can talk to. Positive things I like for instance are the small groups of the classes, so you have the chance to study very actively during the lessons, especially in the seminars. IBS Campus offers a good atmosphere, with the cafeteria, the canteen and the garden. So there is the chance to relax between the lessons."

"The groups are really mixed and I consider that it’s great, because IBS prepares us for an international environment in our future career. Most of all I appreciate the possibility to communicate to people of different origins and cultures. That’s really fascinating."
Sergiu, Moldova, Bachelor student

“It’s great to spend your study years abroad. I love being independent and at the same time make new friends with students from other parts of the world. I am learning to respect other cultures, religions and very different ways of thinking and behaviour. Team projects and international days facilitate sharing our traditions, yet accepting new ideas. IBS is a real melting pot.”
Moshar Ben Zion, Israel

“At the end of my secondary school I had no idea what I wanted to become. With the common first year at IBS I gained some time to think and check out the wide variety of Bachelor’s programmes. Studying at IBS requires constant preparation but it pays off; knowledge is ingrained gradually and exams do not require such an enormous effort.”
Laura Li, Hungary, BSc student

"The professors and the staff are very helpful and they assist us in putting everything in perspective."
Zeki Tukuk, Turkey, MSc student

“To begin with, I was always interested in arts, and I also wanted to learn management. At IBS I have the opportunity to learn both by having very good subjects. Moreover, IBS offers us a great international atmosphere with friendly students, teachers and staff. I believe that IBS can support my future career as an arts manager and give me an unforgettable experience.”
Komporday Rita, Hungary

"We start the celebrations at the beginning of December, we do "posadas" which is a reenactment of Mary's pregnancy with Jesus: people walk around their villages singing prayers going to a new house from day to day, through a period of 9 days. On December 7, we burn devil piñatas in order to scare the evil away before the new year and the birth of Jesus. Lastly, we celebrate Christmas at midnight of December 25, some people go to church and pray and there are also fireworks when the clock turns to midnight and the typical Christmas dinner is tamales."
Paula Arriola Bollat, Guatemala

"I have a responsibility to teach the next generation what I know, to guide my students how to form an opinion, how to manage and how to get a sense of quality."
Zsolt Petrányi, Head of Arts Management

"The major difference between students now and over the last 10 years is that they have become more open, more aware of their environment and more interested in things. At IBS we can work more as a team together, there is not this tutor-student relationship so much longer. We discover things together…"
Alan Godsave, Head of Department of Tourism
"Morgan Stanley has already hired several IBS graduates into its Finance and Operations divisions and we hope to expand and strengthen our relationship with IBS."
Antonia Watson, General Manager, Morgan Stanley Hungary

"The aim of the three-day workshop was to share knowledge and practical experience about innovative educational approaches, contemporary tools and best practices. The participants have covered a wide array of topics, including: the flipped-classroom approach in various disciplines (e.g. marketing, language teaching), contemporary content and education management tools (e.g. Rise, Shakespeak) as well as new areas of development (teaching new disciplines, e.g. data analysis and visualisation). As a primary outcome, participants identified strategies that help increase student engagement and consequently lead to a more effective learning experience. The individual presentations and case studies were followed by an open discussion to identify applicability of the showcased methods in other contexts. The event was attended by guest lecturers from partner institutions (including Copenhagen Business Academy, EPHEC Brussels, Zuyd University Maastricht and the University of Amsterdam) as well as lecturers and programme development staff from IBS."
László Láng - Head of Centre for Business Support Services, Organizer

"Christmas is always a busy but lovely period for my family. Grandparents, relatives, friends come and go. My mother conjures an unforgettable atmosphere for Christmas and makes fantastic dishes every year. The whole flat is decorated nicely and rooms swim in the candlelight."
Petra Moravcsik, Hungary

“At the end of my secondary school I had no idea what I wanted to become. With the common first year at IBS I gained some time to think and check out the wide variety of Bachelor’s programmes. Studying at IBS requires constant preparation but it pays off; knowledge is ingrained gradually and exams do not require such an enormous effort.”
Laura Li, Hungary, BSc student

"The professors and the staff are very helpful and they assist us in putting everything in perspective."
Zeki Tukuk, Turkey, MSc student

“To begin with, I was always interested in arts, and I also wanted to learn management. At IBS I have the opportunity to learn both by having very good subjects. Moreover, IBS offers us a great international atmosphere with friendly students, teachers and staff. I believe that IBS can support my future career as an arts manager and give me an unforgettable experience.”
Komporday Rita, Hungary

"We start the celebrations at the beginning of December, we do "posadas" which is a reenactment of Mary's pregnancy with Jesus: people walk around their villages singing prayers going to a new house from day to day, through a period of 9 days. On December 7, we burn devil piñatas in order to scare the evil away before the new year and the birth of Jesus. Lastly, we celebrate Christmas at midnight of December 25, some people go to church and pray and there are also fireworks when the clock turns to midnight and the typical Christmas dinner is tamales."
Paula Arriola Bollat, Guatemala
"Morgan Stanley has already hired several IBS graduates into its Finance and Operations divisions and we hope to expand and strengthen our relationship with IBS."
Antonia Watson, General Manager, Morgan Stanley Hungary

"Our goal is to learn to analyse a business using both internal and external financial reports. We use statistical tools to determine whether certain data relates to the company. Finally, we study strategies of pricing and costs which companies use to gain financial advantages over others. So, that is a lot of numbers but it helps us to analyse and understand past, current and possibly the future of a company."
Scot Wallace, Professor at IBS

"The key concept here is tolerance, to acknowledge and accept both difference and similarity."
Júlia Király, Head of the Department of Economics and Finance at IBS, Former Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Hungary

"People should be given the opportunity to voice their opinion."
Gábor Sarlós, IBS professor

"At IBS, we have a very personal approach to teaching. It is almost like a mentorship program."
Milena Drace, Canada, MSc student in Vienna
"I have never met such an international group of students, and that made it interesting for me, from the very first moment. Second, the students picked their programme voluntarily, they exactly know what they want to get out of it. They are eager to learn, they are eager to share their past experiences. this makes the entire class setting much more interesting than in my other job."
Dr. Robert Pichler, Professor at IBS
"To see the study process, the application of knowledge and how these are connected to the different cultural backgrounds at IBS is very interesting."
Catherine Arlt, Australia

""On the night of 24th December all family members gather. First of all, a huge Christmas dinner is served by my mother, which usually consists of turkey with red cabbage and a lot of wine. Later on, we assemble around the Christmas tree, sing songs and open our presents."
Sophie Dieber, Austria
"When I learnt about this option at an education fair, I almost thought that something was not right; it looked almost too good to be true."
Maria Ovcharenko, Ukraine
"I can honestly say that I am extremely proud to be an IBS student. It was one of the best decisions of my life to come to study here not only because of the quality of education but also because of the cultural experiences with international student friends."
Jasmine Annikki Plavsic, Finland
"I have never met such an international group of students, and that made it interesting for me, from the very first moment. Second, the students picked their programme voluntarily, they exactly know what they want to get out of it. They are eager to learn, they are eager to share their past experiences. this makes the entire class setting much more interesting than in my other job."
Dr. Robert Pichler, Professor at IBS

"I have not yet met a teacher at IBS who would have said to a student “I have no time for you because I have 300 other students.” This is a university where you establish much closer connections than in any other place I know ."
Sándor Faragó, Hungary

Iohannes Bry, Switzerland, BSc Student

„I feel that my understanding of Corporate Communication has increased tenfold after doing this project.”
Jake Hall, UK

"Entering Budapest was like receiving a loving hug from the Hungarian people."
Eric Van Der Putten, The Netherlands, BSc Student

"Budapest is extremely enjoyable city with youthful and vibrant atmosphere."
Sunkyung Kook, South Korea, BSc Student

"At IBS I got the opportunity to connect arts and management, which is unique in Hungary. It is a huge plus that I can study in my favorite city."
Frida Selmeczi, Hungary, Bsc student

„Great teamwork, members put 100% effort into this task”
Lukas Markusich, Austria

Kimia Mirzaabolghasem, Iran, BSc student

"I really like the academic environment and the international atmosphere at IBS. There are many students from different countries so I can learn about other cultures."
Zhang Xueming, China, BSc student

“We not only talk about multiculturalism but we experience it.”
Fruzsina Selmeczi, MSc student, Hungary

"I always warn my students of the dangers of having a Euro-centric view of the world. Europe is but a small peninsula. We must look at the global world with the eyes of others, too."
László Várkonyi, Professor at the Department of International Studies, Former Ambassador

"To see the study process, the application of knowledge and how these are connected to the different cultural backgrounds at IBS is very interesting."
Catherine Arlt, Australia

"IBS professors have real business background. They have the real experience, that’s the most important."
Seyedmojtaba Zareie, Iran, BSc and MSc student

„IBS is preparing high-caliber students to meet the demands of the job market. Investing in education pays off.”
Dr Márta Szabados, professor emerita

„An IBS graduate myself, I was doubly happy to cooperate with the school and Dr. Szabados. I believe that twinning with companies provides multiple benefits for students and corporations alike. Planning a PR campaign for a bike sharing system such as MOL Bubi provides students with the opportunity of applying the textbook based knowledge also in practice with close-to-real parameters. For us in the corporate world, the assignments were also thought-provoking. Students’ thinking about the direction the communications should be designed was really valuable and provided novel insights for future developments.
Boldizsár Konja, Marketing Communicatios Expert, MOL Hungary

„I feel that my understanding of Corporate Communication has increased tenfold after doing this project.”
Jake Hall, UK

"The main advantage of receiving the degree from the University of Buckingham is that it is internationally recognized so I can go and work wherever I want."
Uta Weiss, Germany, MSc student

„Great teamwork, members put 100% effort into this task”
Lukas Markusich, Austria

"I really like the academic environment and the international atmosphere at IBS. There are many students from different countries so I can learn about other cultures."
Zhang Xueming, China, BSc student

”The world today has become complex, and is moving ahead at fast speed. Preparing for life is inseparable from life itself, so IBS is rightly aiming at preparing its students for successful business life jointly with business enterprises, in a real-life context. This is exactly why I consider assignments like Marta’s MOL project, highly important.”
Prof. Istvan Tamás, Founder and Honorary Rector of IBS